Provenance Made by Elizabeth Gossom (Roberts). On November 15, 2016, It was donated by the Patricia (Robert) Hawk Estate of Georgia to the Kentucky Museum, Western Kentucky University.
Description The sampler suggests that Elizabeth made it after her marriage on December 20, 1836. It would however be quite unusual for a sampler to be made after marriage. This suggests the strong possibility it was made or started prior to her marriage and embellished or finished after she married. The somewhat "crowded" appearance of the numerous elements may support this concept but is open to conjecture. See below for details.
The sampler has a variety of elements. There are four rows of alphabets, a rendering of a house, (possibly the family home), which is surrounded by trees, as well as three sets of text blocks. One pair of interlacing hearts labeled "WG" ( the sampler maker’s father, William Gossom) and "EB" (the sampler maker’s mother, Elizabeth Buckley) is embroidered at the center right with a second pair of adjoining hearts with "EG" and "ETR" embroidered in the lower center. There is a blue and cream embroidered border.
The centrally located first text block reads: "William Gossom and Elizabeth Buckley was married the 25 of December 1797"; the second reads: "Names of my brothers and sisters. Those trees will chance regain their bloom. When I am withered in the tomb then will my friends who now are dear bare my memory with a tear"; and the third reads: "Edwin T. Roberts and Elizabeth Gossom was married the 20 of December 1836. Edwin T. Roberts was born August 7, 1809. Elizabeth Gossom was born June 18, 1819." Scattered over the entirety of the sampler are pairs of initials, particularly below the fourth line of alphabets and to the left of the central green tree, (above “Names of my brothers and sisters”). When compared to genealogical research performed by a Warren County, Kentucky historian, these initials in large part correspond to the sampler maker's siblings. (See ancillary images).
Elizabeth Gossom was born on June 18, 1819, in Warren County, Kentucky. She was one of at least nine children of William Gossom (b. 01/31/1774, d. 01/21/1862), who was forty-five years old, and her mother, Elizabeth Buckley (b. abt 1778, d. 12/11/1854), who was forty-one years old at the time of the sampler makers birth. She married Edwin Todd Roberts (b. 08/07/1808, d. 04/12/1891) on December 20, 1836 in Bowling Green, Kentucky. They had seven children in twenty-one years (Kitty Ann., b. 1839, d. 1882; James Alford, b. 2/17/1841, d. 05/06/1890; William Alexander, b. 1843, d. 1921; Frances Buckley, b. 1847, d. 1884; Edwin Thomas, Jr, b.1851, d.1892; Joseph Dunbar, b. 1854, d. 1896 and Mary Lee, b. 1860, d. 1947. (see ancillary images)
Elizabeth Gossom Roberts (see her undated photo in the ancillary images) died on January 23, 1902, lived a long life of eighty-two years, and was buried in Warren County, Kentucky.